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WEATHER ALERT: Severe storms expected late this afternoon and evening

Most of the Midwest is in drought. And there’s no simple way to get out of it

This year’s particularly dry spring drove a large part of the Midwest, including Missouri and Illinois, into drought. The lack of moisture has far-reaching implications, including on agricultural production and water levels on the country’s largest rivers. “Rain is essential—it is where drought starts and ends,” said Illinois State Climatologist Trent Ford. “As we were […]

The high plains drought is so bad that Kansas is importing wheat from Europe

Kansas wheat farmers will reap the smallest harvest in more than 60 years. Persistent drought withered much of the crop. SYLVAN GROVE, Kansas — Kansas is “the wheat state,” the officially adopted moniker that embraces its place as the country’s breadbasket. Tall white grain elevators, some decorated with wheat murals, loom over tiny farm towns. […]

Going once, going twice, gone! Auctions are moving online and changing a rural tradition

Auctions — a marketplace for knick knacks, farm land and everything in between — are often also gathering events for rural communities. That’s changing as more auctions go online. Tractors, four-wheelers, a truck, a skid-loader and more are neatly parked in rows outside a northeast Nebraska farmhouse. The farmer who owns this equipment is retiring […]

This spring brings worry rather than rain for some parts of the Great Plains and Midwest

Last winter’s precipitation relieved some areas of drought, yet in other places it’s deepened, making spring stressful for farmers and ranchers. Spring is the time for planting crops and turning cows out to graze — yet in parts of the central U.S., dry conditions are upending the growing season. Missouri, Wisconsin and Illinois received enough […]