Emily Hays

Gov. Pritzker: Champaign’s school district is a model for a potential statewide K-12 cell phone ban
Superintendent Shelia Boozer said in a recent survey, Unit 4 families and teachers reported the change is having a positive impact.

First public bus tour explores the Champaign County African American Heritage Trail
Illinois Public Media rides along for the first public bus tour for the Champaign County African American Heritage Trail.

Central High School in Champaign will be led by a Black principal for the first time
Gardner is currently the associate principal at Central. She has a PhD in literacy from the University of Maryland-Baltimore County.

Danville puts Superintendent on administrative leave for continuing to work remotely after threat
The school board voted unanimously to put Geddis on paid administrative leave, which would block Geddis’ access to work laptop, phone and key fob.

After week of violence, Urbana police department promote plan to prevent, neighborhood by neighborhood
URBANA — Darnell “DJ” Wicks was 7 and loved Spider-Man. Sherman McCraney was 18 years old. Melvin Braxton was 43. Richard Meek was 70. Each

One year later: Family of U of I freshman who died from hypothermia focus on prevention
When IPM News first spoke to Akul Dhawan’s parents, they blamed campus police for failing to find him. Now, they just want to move forward.

How will the new chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees navigate the changes of the Trump administration?
As President Donald Trump began his deportation push in Chicago, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees elected a new chairman, whose father lived in the U.S. without a legal status for seven years.

‘Deadlocked’ Champaign school board turns to regional superintendent again to fill open seat
After the board debated for an hour behind closed doors, Board President Gianina Baker announced that the members were too divided.

A debate class could change the future of parole in Illinois
Incarcerated students drafted legislation that would allow those in prison a chance to turn their work, education and disciplinary history while incarcerated into freedom.

Former deputy governor Jesse Ruiz becomes new chair of University of Illinois Board of Trustees
Former deputy governor Jesse Ruiz was unanimously elected to lead the University of Illinois System Board of Trustees on Thursday by his peers on the board.

Urbana District 116 promotes two administrators to middle school principals
The Urbana school district has selected two administrators to serve as its next middle school principals.

‘Looking for God’s hand in the midst of it’: Danville community reflects on MLK as Trump’s inauguration takes place
Danville community celebrates MLK Day as Donald Trump officially becomes president two hours earlier.

Champaign-Urbana police departments won’t work with ICE as per state law
Local police chiefs in Champaign-Urbana say they won’t be collaborating with federal immigration agents.

University of Illinois System expands transfer guarantee to all state high school graduates
On Wednesday, the U of I System announced it will expand that its Transfer Guarantee to any Illinois high school graduate who meets the grade and credit requirements.

ACLU urges University of Illinois to roll back protest regulations
U of I said the summer update just clarified existing policies, but the ACLU said in a letter Wednesday it has led to new punishments for student speech.

Divided Champaign Unit 4 school board works together to fill vacancy for now
As the Champaign Unit 4 board is confronting another vacancy, the group is working through lingering tensions. The divisions aren’t fully resolved, but during a meeting Monday night, the members did agree to seek applicants to fill that spot.

Qué hacen las familias de Illinois para prepararse ante el temor de ser deportadas durante el segundo mandato de Trump
Las escuelas de la zona y organizaciones sin fines de lucro han estado organizando talleres para ayudar a las familias indocumentadas a aprender sobre sus derechos y qué hacer si son cuestionados.

What Illinois families are doing to prepare amid fears of being deported during Trump’s second term
Area schools and non-profits have been hosting workshops to help undocumented families learn about their rights, and what to do if they are questioned.

Sam Banks is third school board member to resign from Champaign Unit 4 this year
Sam Banks is the third Champaign Unit 4 school board member to resign this year. All three have cited unproductive tensions in the group.

Illinois teachers urging lawmakers to help them use artificial intelligence safely in the classroom
A group of teachers have published a report through the nonprofit Teach Plus asking the General Assembly to provide guidance to schools “with urgency.”

El cónsul general de México en Chicago se prepara para la segunda administración de Trump
CHAMPAIGN — En las semanas previas a la toma de posesión de Donald Trump como presidente de Estados Unidos, Reyna Torres Mendivil anima a los

Mexican consul general in Chicago prepares for second Trump administration
Reyna Torres Mendivil leads Mexico’s consulate in Chicago. The office provides provides passports, birth certificates, and legal aid.

After closure of Stateville Correctional Center, some incarcerated students may never speak with their professors again
Illinois Department of Corrections policy does not allow volunteers to communicate by phone, electronic mail or letter.

Danville school district says superintendent will return to on-site work following alleged racist threats
Members of the Danville District 118 School Board say they’ve reached an agreement with Superintendent Alicia Geddis to have her return to working in person. Geddis has been working remotely amid claims that she faced threats from white supremacists.

University of Illinois System president: Departing U of I Chancellor ‘colleague, friend’
University of Illinois System President Tim Killeen said in an interview that UIUC Chancellor Robert Jones has been his partner, colleague and friend through many major events.

Disappointed Mahomet parents hope school board keeps trying after failure of bond referendum
MAHOMET – Mahomet voters defeated the school district’s latest attempt to pay for a new elementary and junior high, according to unofficial election results from

Mahomet voters reject bond proposal for new middle and elementary schools
On Tuesday, voters in the Mahomet-Seymour area decided they did not want to pay for new elementary and junior high school buildings. According to unofficial Champaign County election results, 54 percent of those who voted were against the referendum.

One group of Illinoisans can’t vote this November – those serving felony convictions
DANVILLE — People in prison can vote in Vermont, Maine and Washington, D.C. It’s a right that one incarcerated Illinois man would like to have.

After Biden’s apology for Indian boarding schools, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation in Illinois urges support for language revitalization
DEKALB — Joseph Rupnick’s mother was a toddler when federal agents took her away from her parents and sent her to a Catholic boarding school

State breaks up classes in Stateville prison closure
GALESBURG — For the first time in two decades, Robert Curry has a window. Curry is one of over 400 men transferred out of Stateville

UPDATE: University of Illinois food and building service workers vote for new contract, officially ending strike
Updated at 4 PM on Oct. 3, 2024 CHAMPAIGN — Custodial and dining workers at the University of Illinois have voted to accept the administration’s

U of I students feel the effects of SEIU strike, other campus unions rally with building and service workers
URBANA – The University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign has closed a dining hall and stopped serving hot food at campus stores while building and food

University of Illinois dining and custodial workers go on strike
Food and building service workers, represented by Service Employees International Union Local 73, at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign went on strike Monday morning.

University of Illinois says dining and custodial workers may strike as soon as Sunday
The university said they have scheduled six more bargaining sessions.

University of Illinois building and food service workers vote to strike
Updated 6 p.m. Sept. 13, 2023 URBANA — As a building service worker at the University of Illinois, Melody Decker has cleaned up feces in

Percentage of underrepresented freshmen slightly up at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign despite end of affirmative action
URBANA — The University of Illinois published its 10-day enrollment numbers Wednesday. It’s a first look at how much of an impact the end of

Principal of Urbana’s new multilingual school: ‘It’s really refreshing’
URBANA – About 16 % of the 300,000 English learners in Illinois are taking public school classes to become bilingual in both their first language

Families have mixed feelings as Urbana opens its first fully multilingual school
URBANA — Felix Ayanbode has statistics at his fingertips for why his daughter should learn multiple languages. His first grader, Faith, is learning to be

With more incoming students than expected, University of Illinois offers returning students $2,000 to move off campus
The University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign has more incoming students this year than can fit in its dorms. So, U of I is offering $2,000 – plus 100 meal tickets – to returning students to move off campus.

Rural student “didn’t see any changes” after Illinois LGBTQ+ history law passed
Common textbooks from companies like McGraw Hill have long included information on Asian American, African American and Native American history — but not LGBTQ+ history. That can make it challenging for teachers to comply with Illinois inclusive history requirements.

High schoolers in rural, western Illinois learn the history of why their town is white
“My students want to ask about lynchings in the area,” said Cuba High School history teacher Joe Brewer. “It’s difficult for folks to talk about still, but those are the exact questions my students want to address.”

Heat wave over central Illinois to peak this weekend
Heat waves are defined by humidity and unseasonably warm temperatures, according to IPM Meteorologist Andrew Pritchard. He said summer temperatures five to 10 degrees above the monthly average feel like heat waves.

New opponent emerges for Nikki Budzinski, with support from Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein
On Thursday, 27-year-old Chibuihe “Chibu” Asonye stumped with Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein in Champaign-Urbana.

Sam Banks and Mark Holm selected to join Champaign Unit 4 school board after months of turmoil
The Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education announced the selection Friday, after months of turbulence on the Champaign Unit 4 Board of Education.

State Jewish Caucus members visit University of Illinois during pro-Palestine encampment
Three lawmakers in Illinois’ Jewish Caucus visited the University of Illinois Monday to support Jewish students.

Illinois schools have to offer a vegan lunch if a student request it in advance. Urbana schools go one step further.
Since the fall of 2023 a state law requires all Illinois school districts to provide vegan lunches if requested by a student in advance. Urbana School District 116 goes one step further and offers vegan lunches every day.

Yankee Ridge Elementary School to become Urbana’s first fully multilingual school
The Urbana District 116 Board of Education voted 4-3 on Tuesday to convert Yankee Ridge Elementary School into a fully multilingual school.

Champaign Unit 4 school board unable to vote in new members because of protests by current members
Eight candidates showed up to the Champaign Unit 4 school board meeting Tuesday to interview for two empty seats. Because board members Amy Armstrong and Betsy Holder were absent in protest, there weren’t enough members to hold the meeting.

Resignations, walkouts and protests mark Champaign Unit 4 school board meetings this spring
CHAMPAIGN — Two school board members walked out of Monday’s Champaign Unit 4 Board of Education meeting, preventing the others from taking any action. This

Laurie Brauer emerges as Democratic pick for Champaign County coroner in unofficial primary results
Laurie Brauer has won 74 percent of the Democratic vote to become Champaign County coroner, according to unofficial primary results posted late Tuesday evening by the county clerk’s office.

One of Champaign County’s most contested primaries is for coroner
Two Democrats and one Republican are vying for the job of coroner in Champagin County during Tuesday’s primary election.

University of Illinois’ first vice chancellor of Native affairs: “I feel very disrespected”
The University of Illinois is not renewing their contract with the school’s first associate vice chancellor for Native affairs. Associate Vice Chancellor Jacki Rand said it’s part of a larger problem Native faculty and students face.

Illinois now requires public schools to teach LGBTQ+, Asian American and pre-enslavement Black history. Are teachers ready?
Over half of Illinois teachers say they are ready to fulfill new state history requirements, according to a University of Illinois survey.

Over one-third of Illinois fourth graders don’t have basic reading skills. The state has a plan to change that
Senate Bill 2243 required the Illinois State Board of Education to create a literacy plan. The law emphasizes the plan should help school districts adopt evidence-based teaching strategies, including phonics.

New details emerge in University of Illinois police investigation of Akul Dhawan’s death, including alcohol consumption and police timeline
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Police Department says they acted immediately on the information they had at the time, some of which they learned after his death was inaccurate.

Parents say student found dead on University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus was an “energetic, happy-go-lucky kid”
Akul Dhawan’s friend called campus police about an hour after midnight on Saturday, Jan. 20. It wasn’t until 10 hours later that an unrelated university employee found the 18-year-old dead on a nearby porch.

One in 10 students skips or reduces meals to save money. Some Illinois lawmakers want to help
One in 10 college students are food insecure, according to a 2020 University of Illinois study of U.S. Census data. Some Illinois lawmakers want to change this.

Illinois to report for first time how many prisoners are taking college courses – and how many are waiting for access
There will be public data for the first time this year on the enrollment, demographics and waitlists for higher education programs in Illinois prisons, thanks to the Higher Education in Prison Act.

Do you want your child to go to an English-Spanish or other dual language school? The state wants to help
Illinois state representative Abdelnasser Rashid sponsored HB3822 this year to help school districts expand their dual language programs.

Racial covenants limited housing options for Black residents in Champaign; a local group aims to repair that harm
Racial covenants restricted almost 800 pieces of land in Champaign County from being owned by anyone who wasn’t white. The Champaign-Urbana Reparations Coalition is starting to advocate for reparations for this for African Americans in the area.

Illinois has created a Rural Education Advisory Council. Teachers don’t have to be on it
The Rural Education Advisory Council can make recommendations to the State Board of Education. It won’t have any decision-making power.

The University of Illinois SHIELD saliva test company is winding down. What lessons has the testing team learned?
This winter marks the last stage for one of the most impactful inventions at the University of Illinois in recent years – a saliva-based test for COVID-19.

Alana Banks made history as the first Black, transgender woman on a school board in the United States. How is she doing now?
Alana Banks made history two years ago, becoming the first Black and transgender woman elected to a school board in the country. Still, she has found balancing the demands of the communities she represents challenging.

How does Illinois compare to other states on transgender rights?
According to the Movement Advancement Project, 21 states have banned gender-affirming medicine for trans youth. In response, Illinois passed a law this year protecting patients and providers who cross into the state for care.

This Danville School is leading East-Central Illinois in improving reading skills for Black students
Meade Park Elementary School in Danville stands out among east-central Illinois schools.

Illinois teachers start I3 training on new social studies curriculum
University of Illinois hosts inclusive, inquiry-based training for Illinois social studies teachers.

After Dennis Lab closure, Decatur Public Schools hires engineers to check structural safety of all district schools
The Decatur Public Schools board has hired an engineering company to check the structural safety of all 24 of its buildings.

As Urbana school board considers redistricting company, Spanish-English dual language program remains central question
The Urbana school board plans to hire an outside company on Tuesday to redistrict its schools.

Urbana school board votes to permanently end Wiley Elementary classes, reopen building as sixth grade center
The Urbana District 116 school board voted 4-to-3 on Tuesday to open the sixth grade center in the former Wiley Elementary.

Construction begins on Illinois school renamed after local Tuskegee Airman
Born in 1919 in Decatur, Ellsworth Dansby, Jr., was fascinated by planes. He first flew alone at age 12 – without ever previously riding in a plane. He used knowledge from books he had read to land his solo flight safely.

Tuskegee Airman honored in new Decatur public school
Born in Decatur, Dansby served in World War II as the master sergeant for the Tuskegee Airmen, the first African American division of the U.S. Army Air Corps. The airmen first formed at Chanute Airfield Base in Rantoul.

“This is not an isolated incident.” Decatur school closure exposes gaps in state-required inspections
Decatur Public Schools District 61 only found out it had problems in the two century-old buildings when they brought in a structural engineer in May to look at ceiling leaks and other issues raised by teachers.

Decatur Public Schools increases literacy and school attendance with extended day program
The pre-K through 8 students in the DPS 61 Extended Day program had higher attendance, higher reading scores and fewer disciplinary issues than their peers, according to the district.

The newest Decatur Public Schools teaching assistants and security guards make about $19 an hour. Tuesday, they rallied for higher wages.
Teaching assistants and security officers rallied Tuesday in front of the Decatur Public Schools Board of Education meeting.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth visits Champaign in quest to require school bus seat belts
Sen. Tammy Duckworth has been introducing her School Bus Safety Act since 2018. It would require all school buses be equipped with seat belts, automatic breaks and other safety features.

COVID-19 on the rise at University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
Students and staff can still access free, take-home, COVID tests on campus. Two weeks in, those tests are in high demand.

Mexico, Illinois research exchange blooms at the University of Illinois
“We have common problems, so we need to find common solutions. And there are very, very talented researchers and scholars,” Elvira de Mejia said.

After Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign plans to use socioeconomics, geography instead of race in admissions
“We’ve had a holistic review process that considers all sorts of factors and that [race] has been one of them,” said U of I spokesperson Robin Kaler. That will not be true next year, she said.

Illinois now requires K-12 students to learn Native American history. What has to be in the lessons, and who is checking?
The law requires teachers to cover contemporary Native American history and urban communities like Chicago.

Garden Hills Academy in Champaign reopens for fall as pre-K-8
The Unit 4 School District decided to add grades to both Garden Hills and International Prep Academy last year. The rationale was to decrease pre-kindergarten and middle school overcrowding, as well as promote socioeconomic diversity.

Danville school board votes to add fourth police officer next year
The Danville School District 118 school board voted Wednesday to add the officer at South View Upper Elementary School.

Some school districts are using COVID-19 aid to catch up on construction. Is your district one of them?
While the focus of federal COVID-19 relief money for schools was on recovering from the pandemic, districts were allowed to use some for construction. For many districts, it was a once-in-a-lifetime infusion of cash.

Teachers prepare for new Asian American history requirements at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
Some sessions focused on how to teach amidst political backlash, while others helped attendees learn which children’s books were helpful and which promoted stereotypes.

Buttigieg visits Savoy to tout infrastructure money for new underpass
After a decade of planning and lobbying, the village has put together enough money to build a new bridge so the train can pass over the traffic.

Decatur superintendent to ask for inspections for every school after structural concerns at Dennis Lab School
After structural problems at Dennis Lab School caught Decatur Public Schools administrators by surprise, Superintendent Rochelle Clark wants structural engineers to check every school.

Over half of Vermilion County lost power during severe storms in late June. Can solar panels prevent the next outage?
Most homes with solar panels are connected to the utility grid, and they lose power alongside their neighbors for worker safety reasons.

Danville’s newest coworking space supports small businesses in city’s economic growth
Alderman and Trep School founder Tricia Teague says small business owners can create as many jobs as large companies, and the jobs are more likely to go to locals.

Decatur school board decides to move all Dennis Lab students together after structural issues
The Decatur Public Schools board voted Tuesday to install three mobile buildings at Garfield Learning Academy, instead of the one they initially approved. That will allow all 500 Dennis Lab students to move there together, as requested by parents. Earlier this month, engineers found the Dennis Lab buildings were not structurally sound.

Decatur’s Dennis Lab students to move to Garfield to avoid structural issues at home school
DECATUR — Kindergarten through 6th graders from Dennis Lab School in Decatur now know where they will attend school in the fall – Garfield Learning

Urbana schools equity audit finds identity-based bullying rampant
In a survey of about one-thousand students, about half said they had been the victim of hurtful comments. Over half thought bullying was a problem at school.

After violence at a pop-up party on Sunday left 9 injured, Champaign considers how to prevent future violence
CHAMPAIGN — Neighbors and social workers gathered at the Douglass Annex Thursday to discuss violence at parties that pop up after bars close. Some wanted

Unsafe neighborhoods particularly distress Black men in relationships, new study from University of Illinois finds
Neighborhood quality can make a big difference in the mental health of Black Americans over 10 years – even more than relationship quality.

Summer park parties give Garden Hills neighborhood hope to change perceptions and prevent violence
The events are part of Champaign’s effort to invest in the neighborhood and prevent gun violence.

Six pieces of modern ledger art by Josh Atcheynum now on display at Spurlock Museum
Six figures dance across a set of old documents at the Spurlock Museum at the University of Illinois. This is called ledger art, and it’s part of a new exhibit about modern Native American culture called “Welcome to the Pow-wow.”

A popular football video game will be back next year – and University of Illinois players may be characters.
University of Illinois INFLUENCE Program (NIL) Coordinator Kamron Cox anticipates athletes will opt to participate in the game and will get a few hundred dollars for doing so.

Centennial High School in Champaign has a new principal after a viral video and sudden resignation
Current Franklin STEAM Academy Principal Sara Sanders was asked by Champaign Unit 4 Superintendent Shelia Boozer to take on the role.

As COVID emergency ends, Urbana’s last community testing site winds down
It was a quiet morning at the University of Illinois’ Campus Recreation Center East. Only a handful of people had dropped in for a COVID-19 test.

The COVID-19 emergency declaration ends Thursday. Here’s what changes in Champaign-Urbana.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois and Health Alliance will stop covering at-home tests. The costs of visiting a testing site will depend on an individual’s plan.

Indigenous ‘modern, vibrant communities’ the focus of Spurlock’s new exhibit
The show is part of a growing movement to heal past harms committed against Native Americans. Other efforts include a bill requiring Native American history in public schools and new commitment by the University of Illinois to repatriate ancestral remains.

House Republicans want cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. How would that affect Illinois students with disabilities?
Over 75 percent of Illinois students with disabilities would see reduced supports, according to the US Department of Education.