Tag: Aaron Ammons

Champaign Co. Clerk urges early voting for IL Primary amid election judge shortage

CHAMPAIGN – In Illinois, the number of people signing up to serve as election judges for the March 19th primary has dropped. As a result, Champaign County will have 15 fewer polling locations available this year. This decline has raised concerns among officials, including Champaign County Clerk Aaron Ammons, who fear that fewer election judges

Champaign County puts out the call for election judges for April 4

Tuesday, March 28 is the deadline for formal announcement of polling locations for the April 4 consolidated local elections in Illinois. In Champaign County, the county clerk’s office says the number of polling places will depend on how many election judges they can recruit. County Clerk Aaron Ammons says as of right now, Champaign County is well short of the number of judges he would like to have. 

Champaign County Clerk Aaron Ammons expands access to early voting

URBANA — In 2018, when Champaign County Clerk Aaron Ammons took office, there were only 10 early voting locations in the county. This year, there will be 30.  “I’m trying to do everything I can to increase the participation from voters in a midterm election.” That’s why we’ve been pushing vote by mail so much,

Urbana Mayor Marlin Headed To 2nd Term After Winning Primary

URBANA – Urbana Mayor Diane Marlin easily defeated two challengers in Tuesday’s Democratic local election primary. Listen to this story here. Mayor Marlin won 1,845 votes, or 72.3% of the total, well ahead of Alderman Dennis Roberts, the 2nd-place finisher with 440 votes or 17.24%, and recent U of I graduate Andy Ma with 267

In Illinois, Late-Arriving Mail-In Ballots Could Decide Close Contests

CHAMPAIGN — On Election Day 2020, there is lots of speculation on whether voters will know who they have chosen for president by Election Night, or if a final count will take longer. But for right now, let’s look at the possibility for delays in the results of other election contests, just in Illinois. Election

Republicans Accuse Champaign County Clerk Of Election Misconduct

UPDATE: Nov. 3 2020 – Beginning Monday, November 2, the Champaign County Clerk will provide names and addresses of who has received vote-by-mail ballots in the county, and who has sent them back. A judge on Friday ordered County Clerk Aaron Ammons to provide the information in a public, accessible place, since his office has

217 Today — Oct. 30, 2020

Friday October 30, 2020 Today’s headlines:  A hearing this afternoon in a Champaign County courtroom will give a group of local Republicans their first chance to make their case against County Clerk Aaron Ammons. The region of central and western Illinois, which includes Springfield and Quincy, Thursday joined states facing additional mitigation efforts to fight COVID-19. Public health

News Around Illinois Cover

News Around Illinois – April 17, 2020

Tests Prioritized As Virus Deaths In Illinois Pass 1,000 CHICAGO — Illinois has reported the deadliest 24 hours so far in the state and officials say new supplies would allow for more testing, which is essential for stopping the spread of the virus. Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Thursday said 125 people had died in the

Early Voting In Illinois Primary Begins

The Illinois Primary election takes place on March 17. But the casting of ballots begins Thursday, February 6. Under Illinois’ early voting law, voters can cast their ballots up to forty days before an election, although they won’t be counted until after the polls close on Election Day. Early voters can cast their ballots in