New opponent emerges for Nikki Budzinski, with support from Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein
On Thursday, 27-year-old Chibuihe “Chibu” Asonye stumped with Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein in Champaign-Urbana.
On Thursday, 27-year-old Chibuihe “Chibu” Asonye stumped with Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein in Champaign-Urbana.
Wisconsin is one of a handful of pivotal states in the 2024 presidential election. Within the swing state, there are swing counties that could decide the election — even as people remain divided.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday in Peoria teased at a presidential run he’s widely expected to announce later this month. Its a theme he’s honed in upon in recent appearances before friendly crowds. In a campaign-style speech at the Peoria and Tazewell County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner, DeSantis said it’s time for the Republican Party to look forward and offer what he calls a positive vision for the future, instead of nursing past grievances.