On the streets of the RNC in Milwaukee: thumbs up for VP pick JD Vance

Donald Trump and JD Vance talking at Republican National Convention
Former president Donald Trump talks with US Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio) who was announced as Trump's vice-presidential pick on July 15, 2024.

MILWAUKEE — Ohio Sen. JD Vance is supposed to help Donald Trump win the Midwest this fall. But almost immediately after he was announced as Trump’s vice-presidential pick on Monday, one thing became clear: Vance, a 39-year-old Republican with less than two years in Congress, is barely known among many Republicans even in the swing states Trump hopes he’ll deliver. Trump’s team has less than four months to strengthen Vance’s profile. Already, a collection of political foes — Democrats and Republicans — is working to fill the information void with a series of attacks seizing on Vance’s inexperience in government, his nationalist views and his history of condemning Trump himself.

After the vice-presidential announcement was made, IPM News producer Jose Zepeda asked attendees in Milwaukee their thoughts about Vance; how he compares to Trump’s first vice president Mike Pence; and whether Vance should go clean-shaven as most modern US presidents and vice presidents.

JZ: Trump has chosen his VP. What do you think?

Erin Brownback: “I think it was a great decision. I think that JD is a very strong advocate for life, which is an issue that I know I and many other people care very much about. I think that President Trump wanted to turn the issue of the life decision back to the States. He did a huge amount of work on our behalf, getting Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v Wade, and I think that he wants that to be his contribution to the life issue. But I also think he cares about having people surrounding him who really care about life and valuing human life.”

Vicki (wouldn’t share her last name): “I think he’s terrific. I think he’s a great match for Trump. A little bit younger? He’ll be able to go the next eight years. Perfect choice. Perfect.

JZ: “How do you think he compares to [Trump’s first vice-present Mike] Pence?

Vicki: “Are you kidding me? Pence, that was a bad choice. This is a good choice. He’ll be much more loyal to Trump.”

JZ: “With that, do you think if he was ever in a similar situation as to what Pence was in during January 6, what do you think Vince would do?”

Vicki: “I think he’d do everything he could to help Trump legally. And Pence should have done the same. That was, yeah, that election was not fair, and Pence could have done… he maybe couldn’t have swung the election back to Trump, but he could have done a lot legally to help and expose the corruption that went on during that election.”

JZ: “Trump did choose JD Vance, what are your thoughts?”

Kevin Fulton:  “I’m okay with JD Vance. I was more of a Tim Scott [US Senator from South Carolina] guy. I was looking to really make a bold choice. But you know, Vance is all right.”

JZ: “How do you think he compares to Mike Pence?”

KF: “That’s a good question. I like Vance that one. He’s younger. I think he represents a new generation of Republicans that are that are coming up. I think he’s more connected to grassroots than the prior Vice President Pence was.”

Jacqueline Harn:I personally love the VP pick. I’m the chairwoman for the Georgia Young Republicans back home. And I think a lot of young Republicans, while we love Trump, we’d love to see someone younger and someone that has that energy and that we can see for the future, like, Hey, we’re looking forward to 2028 here’s a young guy that’s gonna be able to kind of take on the rest of the Republican Party. You know, there’s a future for it.”

JZ: “How do you think he compares to Pence?”

JH: “I personally, I really liked Mike Pence. I thought Mike Pence is a great guy. I think that Dan, he brings this whole relatability, like, with a Hillbilly Elegy story that JD Vance has. I think a lot of people can just relate to him. And I think, personally, like, I know, everyone loves JD Vance. I think he has a big name ID, right? But he seems very personable and very just like humble whenever you talk to him. And I don’t know, actually, it’s great quality having a VP. It seems like, in general, between Trump and Vance, the ticket is very relatable and very much like just they say what they want to say. They’re very brash about it, and it’s very straightforward. And so, I think a lot of young people can relate to that.”

JZ: “If he does keep the facial hair, he would be the first vice president or president in a long time to have it. Should he keep it?

JH: “Keep it! Definitely 100% keep it.”

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