How admittedly corrupt ex-Illinois lawmakers get to keep their pensions

How admittedly corrupt ex-Illinois lawmakers get to keep their pensions

Illinois has paid out millions in pensions to ex-lawmakers who have admitted criminal wrongdoing or are awaiting trial. CHICAGO — Illinois state senator-turned-government mole Terry Link infamously asked “What’s in it for me?” while wearing a wire in a 2019 federal bribery sting that snared a corrupt legislative colleague. Link played the role of undercover…

Pritzker pledges more money for education and child care in his budget address

Pritzker pledges more money for education and child care in his budget address

SPRINGFIELD — Building on a “remarkable” fiscal rebound, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker proposed a $49.6 billion state budget Wednesday, prioritizing increased spending on everything from early childhood initiatives to education to reproductive health care. In the first big swing of his second term, Pritzker also underscored his work the past four years in stabilizing Illinois’…

WATCH: Gov. JB Pritzker’s 2023 State of The State And Budget Address

WATCH: Gov. JB Pritzker’s 2023 State of The State And Budget Address

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker plans to give his 2023 State of the State and FY24 Budget Address on Wednesday, February 15th at 12 p.m. before a joint session of state representatives and state senators at the State Capitol. During the address, Pritzker will promote his program Smart Start Illinois, which aims to offer all children…

Los defensores de los derechos de armas están demandando por la prohibición de armas de Illinois. Esto es lo que debe saber.

Los defensores de los derechos de armas están demandando por la prohibición de armas de Illinois. Esto es lo que debe saber.

Este artículo ha sido traducido por Nathalie Murillo. Read this story in English here SPRINGFIELD – En días recientes, ha habido una gran cantidad de acción legal dirigida a una nueva prohibición de armas de asalto firmada por el gobernador de Illinois, JB Pritzker, el 10 de enero. La ley prohíbe la fabricación, posesión y…

5 takeaways from Biden’s State of the Union address

5 takeaways from Biden’s State of the Union address

WASHINGTON — President Biden delivered a State of the Union address Tuesday night that Democrats will likely be thrilled with. He struck notes of his traditional unity message, pledging to work with the new Republican House leadership and touting his legislative accomplishments in the past year, but Biden also laid out an Average Joe America…

Illinois congresswoman says U.S. farmland is under threat of foreign control

Illinois congresswoman says U.S. farmland is under threat of foreign control

CHAMPAIGN – Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL15) on Monday introduced a bill that would place a five-year moratorium on U.S. land purchases by foreign nationals. The Saving American Farms from Adversaries Act is Miller’s first bill of the 118th congress. According to Miller, foreign investment in U.S. farmland has tripled during the past 10 years. She…