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WEATHER ALERT: Severe storms expected late this afternoon and evening

CU slasher film returns home

The Virginia Theater marquee reads "REWIND 92.5 MOVIE SERIES FINAL SUMMER, SUG. 10, 7PM."

“Final Summer” is a Champaign-Urbana-made indie slasher film about a group of counselors at a summer camp who find themselves fighting to stay alive while being hunted down by a masked killer, intended as a love letter to the classic horror films of the 1980s and featuring a local cast and crew. After premiering a […]

217 Today: How Donald Mullally helped save NPR

August 8, 2023 Today’s headlines: Republican state representative Mike Marron is hosting an event for Rantoul residents to find out more about the resources within their community. More than 47,000 Illinois residents have been kicked off their Medicaid plans as of August 1 with more expected to be dropped in the coming months. Lawyers for people […]