Tag: university of illinois

A woman holds a microphone. People with SEIU shirts and signs stand in the background.

University of Illinois building and food service workers vote to strike

Updated 6 p.m. Sept. 13, 2023 URBANA — As a building service worker at the University of Illinois, Melody Decker has cleaned up feces in shower stalls and vomit that just missed trash cans.  Despite her own visceral reactions to bodily fluids, she loves her job. She said she has made lasting friendships with students

Voice of the Voter Ep. 1: 18 & Eligible to Cast Ballot (May 2024)

Before President Joe Biden left the race in July, IPM’s David Pierce checked in with young people as part of our “Voice of the Voter” series to get their thoughts on having to pick between Biden and Former President Donald Trump as they cast their ballot for the first time.  Voting is an important part

State Senator Rose says the U of I favors its Chicago campus over Urbana when allocating state funds

State Senator Chapin Rose says the University of Illinois is not being fair to its flagship campus when it distributes state funds. Rose, who is a U of I Urbana alum, says his calculations show that the university is giving its Chicago campus more state money on a per-undergraduate basis than it gives to its Chicago campus: $10,073 per student at Chicago versus $7,483 per student at Urbana, for a difference of $2,590 per student in the Chicago campus’ favor.

Emails reveal UIPD’s plan to use surveillance to monitor campus crime in real time

CHAMPAIGN — The University of Illinois Police Department has requested nearly a million dollars in federal funding to open a real-time crime center.  The center would enable police officers to receive more information from a growing number of surveillance methods while responding to incidents, according to UIPD spokesperson Pat Wade. If the real-time operators find

U of I student information is caught in global cyberattack

The University of Illinois system learned in June that personal information of some of its past and present students was exposed in a May 31 global cyberattack. Emails went out July 3 to students, faculty and staff. It is unknown how many students’ information was compromised at the National; Student Clearinghouse, where higher education data