This site is a compilation of the latest news about the COVID-19 pandemic in Illinois, along with up-to-date resources and guidance from local, state, and federal agencies.
Federal, state and local agencies:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Illinois Department of Health
- State of Illinois Coronavirus Response
- Champaign-Urbana COVID-19 Coronavirus Information
Hospital systems with COVID-19 public dashboards:
- Carle Health — operates hospitals, in Urbana, Normal, Olney, Eureka, Hoopeston
- Memorial Health System — operates hospitals in Springfield, Decatur, Taylorville, Lincoln, Jacksonville
- OSF HealthCare — operates hospitals in Urbana, Danville, Peoria and Bloomington (no dashboard available)
Testing and Vaccines:
Champaign County |
Coles County | ||
DeWitt-Piatt Counties |
Macon County |
Vermilion County |