217 Today: Urbana school district swears in first Latina board member

Citlaly Stanton, Urbana School District 116's first Latina board member, sits next to Ben Baxley during a board of education meeting as new members.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Today’s headlines:

  • Abortion rights supporters in Champaign-Urbana are trying to pass legislation to force crisis pregnancy centers to be more explicit about the services they do and don’t provide.
  • Gun shop owners say they’re stuck in the middle as conflicting decisions in the challenges to Illinois’ ban on semi-automatic firearms play out in the courts.
  • The Illinois Senate has passed bills aimed at improving access to healthcare.
  • The Illinois Republican Party chair says the GOP needs to embrace voting by mail.

In today’s deep dive, we hear a conversation with the first Latina member of the Urbana School District’s Board of Education.

Reporting today contributed by Farrah Anderson, Mawa Iqbal, Camryn Cutinello, Tim Shelley and Luis Velazquez.

Owen Henderson

Owen Henderson covers arts and culture, as well as LGBTQ issues for Illinois Public Media News. He studied journalism, Spanish and theater at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and has worked with Illinois Public Media in various capacities since 2021.