217 Today: Urbana mayoral candidates Annie Adams and DeShawn Williams explain why they are running

DeShawn Williams (right) says he'll bring "proven leadership" to the position of mayor of Urbana. Annie Adams (left) says she is prepared to help grow the city’s population, modernize policing and ensure Urbana is welcoming to diverse communities. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Today’s headlines:

  • University of Illinois students gathered on the Main Quad in Urbana on Monday to show solidarity with the immigrant community.
  • The Unit 4 school board is turning to the Champaign-Ford regional superintendent to help them fill a short-term vacancy.
  • A new report shows Illinois has among the highest property tax burdens in the country and the highest in the Midwest by far.
  • A state advisory board approved funding last week to open up to three drug overdose prevention sites.

In today’s deep dive, we’ll listen to a conversation with the candidates for Mayor of Urbana.

217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting today contributed by Kayla Constabileo, Emily Hays, Alex Degman and Arjun Thakkar.

Stephanie Mosqueda

Stephanie Mosqueda is a senior majoring in journalism at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with minors in Spanish and public relations. She is the 217 Today producer and a reporter for the Illinois Student Newsroom.