217 Today: U.S. healthcare providers face shortage of drug that doctors need to treat their most at-

Thursday, June 30, 2022

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Today’s headlines:

  • Democratic Governor JB Pritzker said he’s not gloating after candidates backed by his Republican billionaire nemesis lost.
  • The state of Illinois has a new tool to help law enforcement trace and track illegal guns.
  • It was a costly election cycle, especially for one race that garnered national attention.
  • The race for the Republican nomination in Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District remains too close to call.

In today’s deep dive, we’ll learn how the U.S. is caught in a critical shortage of a drug that doctors need for some of their most vulnerable patients, known as “contact media.”

217 Today is produced by Sydney Wood. Reporting today contributed by Dave McKinney, Reginald Hardwick, Harrison Malkin and Dan Gorenstein.

Sydney Wood