217 Today: Trump’s health pick wants to remove fluoride from our water. Does science back this effort?

A faucet is turned on and water falls into a gray sink.
Trump's nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Services could push to remove fluoride from drinking water. But many dental experts say it is far too soon to be making changes to public policy based on the limited studies that have been done.

Monday, November 25, 2024

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Today’s headlines:

  • With Thanksgiving on the horizon, many are planning to gather with family. But these gatherings can become tense — if people don’t share the same political views.  
  • Faculty at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are working to make college textbooks more affordable by writing and publishing free online textbooks.
  • A measure before Illinois lawmakers would let high school athletes transfer schools and immediately play sports.

In today’s deep dive, we’ll learn about the benefits and risks of water fluoridation.

217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting today contributed by Anna Koh, Mae Antar, Alex Degman and Ben Thorp.

Stephanie Mosqueda

Stephanie Mosqueda is a senior majoring in journalism at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with minors in Spanish and public relations. She is the 217 Today producer and a reporter for the Illinois Student Newsroom.