217 Today: Northern Illinois University professors provide sports activities to incarcerated teens

Former Project FLEX members & an Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice official on the Northern Illinois University campus.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Today’s headlines:

  • State Representative Mike Marron is one of many Republicans critical of the spending proposals outlined in Governor J.B. Pritzker’s budget, but he has a plan of his own.
  • Environmental groups in Illinois are hoping to limit microplastic waste, and they’re looking at washing machines.
  • Twenty-five community organizations and government offices are expected to receive almost $10 million in federal pandemic relief money from the city of Urbana. 
  • Around 30 Black senior citizens gathered at the Douglass Annex Friday afternoon for a soul food potluck to celebrate Black History Month.

In today’s deep dive, we’ll learn more about a project that aims to reduce recidivism among incarcerated juveniles in Illinois.

217 Today is produced by Sydney Wood. Reporting today contributed by Jim Meadows, Mawa Iqbal, Farrah Anderson, Lillie Salas and Peter Medlin.

Sydney Wood