Monday, August 2, 2021
Audio PlayerToday’s headlines:
- Senator Dick Durbin hopes to use the budget reconciliation process to pass a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
- The number of coronavirus cases is rising once again in much of central and southern Illinois. Local health officials say most cases are occurring among unvaccinated people, following a national trend.
- We may learn more Monday about the killing of a 14-year-old Champaign boy, found in a ditch Friday morning in Urbana.
- As of Monday, the city of Champaign joins Urbana in requiring all visitors and employees inside city facilities to wear a mask or face covering.
In today’s deep dive, we meet several contact tracers who have been on the job talking to Illinoisans with COVID-19 for nearly a year.
Reporting today contributed by Jim Meadows, Christine Herman, Reginald Hardwick and Peter Medlin.